Course Information
24 hrs
Exam Information
Exam Code
Total Questions
90 mins
Passing %
Basics of Programming language skills and basic knowledge of microprocessor and embedded architecture.
Course Description
IOT Bootcamp Internet of things (IoT) is a process of communicating effectively and securely with machines. Kevin Ashton, a British Technology pioneer at MIT .a Consumer Sensor Expert and a trend-setter described IoT as connecting objects in physical world to the internet. In the year 2021, over 50 Billion devices are already connected using IoT, and it si speculated that by year 2030, the number is expected to increase upto 150 Billion. there is a huge growth potential for thus technology in various markets such as Industrial Appliances, Defense Sector, Medical Equipment, Retail Sector, Agriculture Sector, home Appliances etc.
Course Objectives
1. Learn IoT, its Architecture and Protocols
2. Introduction to Arduino and Raspberry pi
3. Work on tools such as Cooja Simulator
4. IoT using Cloud and Big Data
5. IoT Security
Course Curriculum
- IoT Definitions
- IoT Architecture
- Components of IoT
- Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT
- Application of ioT
- Infrastructure (ex: 6LowPAN, IPv4/IPv6, RPL)
- Identification (ex: EPC, uCode, IPv6, URIs)
- Comms / Transport (ex: Wifi, Bluetooth, LPWAN)
- Discovery (ex: Physical Web, mDNS, DNS-SD)
- Data Protocols (ex: MQTT, CoAP, AMQP, Websocket, Node)
- Device Management (ex: TR-069, OMA-DM)
- Semantic (ex: JSON-LD, Web Thing Model)
- Multi-layer Frameworks (ex: Alljoyn, IoTivity, Weave, Homekit)
- Introduction to IoT boards
- Board Description
- Installation and programming basics
- Function Libraries
- Arduino Advance
- Arduino Projects
- Introduction Raspberry Pi board and Setting up Raspberry pi
- Programming basics
- Types of IoT OS
- Installing cooja
- Running cooja simulator
- Creating a new simulation
- Creating a new mote type
- Adding motes and running the simulation
- Saving simulation file
- Debugging with cooja simulator
- Simple simulation with cooja
- Broadcast example
- Collect View
- ARTIK Cloud
- Microsoft Azure IoT Suite
- Amazon Web Services IoT
- IBM Watson IoT
- Google Cloud IoT
– Send Data to ThingSpeak with Arduino
– Using the Arduino MKR1000 with ThingSpeak
– Official ThingSpeak Library for Arduino
- Ardiuno to firebase
- Exploring firebase libraries
- Big data definition
- Characteristics of Big data
- Challenges of Big data
- MapReduse
– OWSAP IoT top ten attacks
– Understanding all attacks and their preventions